Torment - Theme Deck (Waking Nightmares)

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    Set: Torment Sealed
    Release Date: 2002-02-04
    In this strategy game, you play with decks of illustrated cards instead of a board. These collectable cards represent magical spells and fantastic creatures. New players should begin with a Magic: The gathering starter-level game.

    The "Waking Nightmares" deck is the stuff of dreams. Really bad dreams. Use your Nightmare creatures to choke of your opponents' resources, then turn out the lights. Let your foes rest in pieces.

    This Torment - Theme Deck (Waking Nightmares) contains:
    • 1 Theme deck of 60 cards.


    Creature (22)
    • 3 Barbarian Outcast
    • 1 Chainer, Dementia Master
    • 1 Enslaved Dwarf
    • 3 Faceless Butcher
    • 1 Gravegouger
    • 3 Mesmeric Fiend
    • 2 Pardic Collaborator
    • 1 Petradon
    • 3 Petravark
    • 1 Slithery Stalker
    • 3 Soul Scourge

    Instant (5)
    • 2 Flame Burst
    • 1 Flaming Gambit
    • 2 Temporary Insanity

    Sorcery (4)
    • 2 Firebolt
    • 2 Rancid Earth

    Enchantment (6)
    • 1 Caustic Tar
    • 1 Demolish
    • 1 Malevolent Awakening
    • 2 Pyromania
    • 1 Shade's Form

    Land (23)
    • 9 Mountain
    • 12 Swamp
    • 2 Tainted Peak

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