Torment - Theme Deck (Grave Danger)

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    Set: Torment Sealed
    Release Date: 2002-02-04
    In this strategy game, you play with decks of illustrated cards instead of a board. These collectable cards represent magical spells and fantastic creatures. New players should begin with a Magic: The gathering starter-level game.

    Turn your graveyard into a resource. The "Grave Dranger" deck makes your opponents pay dearly for each card in your graveyard, leaving their creatures bruised and confused.

    This Torment - Theme Deck (Grave Danger) contains:
    • 1 Theme deck of 60 cards.


    Creature (21)
    • 3 Aquamoeba
    • 1 Balshan Collaborator
    • 1 Cephalid Aristocrat
    • 1 Cephalid Broker
    • 1 Cephalid Illusionist
    • 2 Cephalid Looter
    • 1 Cephalid Vandal
    • 2 Crypt Creeper
    • 4 Organ Grinder
    • 1 Painbringer
    • 2 Psychatog
    • 1 Skywing Aven
    • 1 Zombie Assassin

    Instant (5)
    • 2 Afflict
    • 1 False Memories
    • 2 Obsessive Search

    Sorcery (8)
    • 1 Breakthrough
    • 2 Careful Study
    • 2 Chainer's Edict
    • 2 Churning Eddy
    • 1 Morgue Theft

    Enchantment (2)
    • 2 Compulsion

    Land (24)
    • 11 Island
    • 11 Swamp
    • 2 Tainted Isle

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