Shadowmoor - Theme Deck (Turnabout)

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    Set: Shadowmoor Sealed
    Release Date: 2008-05-02
    The idyllic twilight of Lorywn is now the eerie eternal night of Shadowmoor. The gloom has seeped into the plane's inhabitants, too, transforming creatures of fable into malicious monsters. The races and characters you know from Lorwyn are back, but with twisted allegiances and dark new powers. Even the new game mechanics are warped …

    Turnabout is a green/white theme deck with a thematic focus on untap and creature tokens.
    Normally, tapping your creatures leaves you defenseless. With the Turnabout deck, having a bunch of tapped creatures leaves you primed to strike! Safehold Sentry, Pale Wayfarer, and any creature equipped by Umbral Mantle have untap abilities that let them untap to provide an awesome bonus! Devoted Druid and Barrenton Medic can also untap at a moment's notice.

    Everything you need in one ready-made deck.


    • 60 total cards, a customized strategy guide, land cards, creature cards, and other spells.


    Creature (22)
    • 1 Barrenton Medic
    • 2 Devoted Druid
    • 2 Drove of Elves
    • 1 Elvish Hexhunter
    • 2 Old Ghastbark
    • 2 Pale Wayfarer
    • 2 Pili-Pala
    • 1 Resplendent Mentor
    • 1 Rhys the Redeemed
    • 2 Safehold Duo
    • 3 Safehold Sentry
    • 1 Seedcradle Witch
    • 1 Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers
    • 1 Wilt-Leaf Liege

    Sorcery (4)
    • 1 Dawnglow Infusion
    • 2 Gleeful Sabotage
    • 1 Toil to Renown

    Instant (4)
    • 1 Barkshell Blessing
    • 1 Gloomwidow's Feast
    • 2 Mercy Killing

    Artifact (2)
    • 1 Revelsong Horn
    • 1 Umbral Mantle

    Enchantment (4)
    • 3 Presence of Gond
    • 1 Shield of the Oversoul

    Land (24)
    • 11 Forest
    • 12 Plains
    • 1 Sapseep Forest

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