Challenger Deck 2019 (Arcane Tempo)

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    Set: Challenger Deck 2019 Sealed
    Release Date: 2019-04-12
    Arcane Tempo

    Use cheap instants and sorceries to disrupt your opponent and build card advantage without overcommitting to the board, then unleash a game-winning storm of spells.


    • Battle-ready 60-card deck
    • 15-card sideboard
    • Deck Box
    • Spindown life counter


    Creature (13)
    • 4 Goblin Electromancer
    • 4 Crackling Drake
    • 2 Murmuring Mystic
    • 1 Arclight Phoenix
    • 2 Niv-Mizzet, Parun

    Sorcery (9)
    • 4 Chart a Course
    • 4 Lava Coil
    • 1 Beacon Bolt

    Instant (15)
    • 4 Opt
    • 4 Radical Idea
    • 4 Shock
    • 2 Dive Down
    • 1 Blink of an Eye

    Enchantment (1)
    • 1 The Mirari Conjecture

    Land (22)
    • 3 Sulfur Falls
    • 4 Izzet Guildgate
    • 8 Island
    • 7 Mountain

    Sideboard (15)
    • 1 The Mirari Conjecture
    • 1 Beacon Bolt
    • 3 Negate
    • 3 Entrancing Melody
    • 3 Fiery Cannonade
    • 2 Shivan Fire
    • 2 Disdainful Stroke

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